
People have a liking about whom you are. And you define that at your work, at your professional work place, going to the shopping mall, seeing your own parents?

A lot of time girls always have a certain belief how the guys really seeing you, you want that to be super clear. Let's say if a guy meant he would say to you "A statement." oh you wish its not like that, so you will change. (This is not about the news) - this is in general. You cared about what this guy or that guy did say to you. You kind of like that guy, whomever that is.

But you define a relationship other than those kinds of the statement itsn't enough.  Meaning you willing to change for 6 months, but you cannot breath for another 1 year and half. You estimating your relationship year how long you willing or thinking that can last to any guy you wishing to walk up?

What exactly this guy really need from you? 

1. Never talk down him, standing right next by you, you never open your mouth to carry that conversation but wait him to be in his house every holiday in his custom. You listen, you figure it out what to say. Those guests never your, never your parents, never your conversation. You don't really need that conversation. Listen what he has to say, and why he saying it? 

2. Never need to make friends to those??? You mean he talks the entire hour, until I say enough. Not at the mouth. At his thigh, "SHUTUP"

3. No one is talking about him. That is why. 

Just try this one thing right? His connection, his happy world, we have no career, he is retired?

We will never get along to my career. 

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