
You identifying yourself as a girl when you growing up. So was I. But my entire living envrionment its one day I have to be with a guy, never with a girl. Its a natural liking.

So one day I move out of the girls school, the middle the high school. They are all the girls school and to even get to the American side.

You girls all having the same almost identical response at all, just like that Tina Jojo. You wish the guy to acknolwegement your efforts.

Your efforts. Tina says that. Efforts? No one given efforts but her.

You really really really wish to Vola, and the guys coming back to beg you this type of the drama things, you have to believe in it, if you VOLA enough, any guy will come back for whom you are. Exactly the way how you becoming popular ! I say none. 

You talk to so so so loud. You know how I found out?

You are literally speaking the words out of your mouth, that is what you are telling me.

You need to practice your words talking out loud, for example, in any occasion I wasn't aware when you will be talking out loud?  You are in the fighsty mood all the time, in one min you snap looking just every look of you.

And one day, I seeing really really really strange things. 


You probably don't know how you have changed, every 2 days I seeing something totally different than the last week. I was not aware for a long time. I wasn't aware this is the news I keep seeing the day before or last week, maybe I seen this news? And...??! Is there a so soon things I can seeing that manifest in front of my eyes.

So I wasn't sure.

In a few day, I didn't read.

Then one day I did read, because I was busy on the phone, something else happened. I wasn't sure again. Because I thought maybe whom else talking to me, whom is this again? You always thought it was the same news the same set of people I am reading at.

Everyone looking the same to me about 2 months ago. 

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