
Smallville, has this Chloe, she is a journalist, you can just pretend to be enough?

You don't need to care whom that is, sometimes, just keep filling up those movie roles? In every roles, and move on the script? Carry your reason to filling all that. You have a reason so do it. 

In America, you have Friday night off and Weekend.

Only I say I have a job. You can contact more older guys, they are more set, serene, and never screaming like those younger guys, if their entire language are very very harsh. They are not done with their career goal. That entire environment are not supportive. Even I say, I am not DONE? 

Do you talk open to any guy, or your parents, about your current situation? 

Like not every day you remember where its everything are? Because too many TV? But you are progression when you remember, you tell which guys? Any guys?

You are going to work with whom? On this movie, or on the romance, or really...you really only need 5 mins?  The National Archive Gala, you....talking yourself Last Christmas yet? Since the year before, this year I help you? 

It was the Student Association Gala and the Senior Ball, you remember we were connected to this National Gala? oh ~ If I need to get in any occasion as the American, any talking skills makes me capable before God?

You want to looking forward something.

You want your life has some leisure time other than the normal day to day jobs.

You want a conversation sometimes its with the guys involve. Your finance?

I never been to SMCH gala. The day those Thai might have an event, nick were with his perfect brother whom. They called each other brother. I sit there. They are long time no see. 

The day Taiwan retreat, you mean Nominji were in the front cudding that SMCH?

Me and nick were outside the gate, how amazing, I happened to seeing him coming forward, I going back to my tent, there he yelling at me about 10 mins. I have no more wishing to go anywhere on anything. All your perfect too perfect Victoria Secrets. Maroon 5.

The day when the Cancum Mexico, oh ~ every time they have a real climate change conference, I have to hand made stuffs in the kitchen, I happened to be in the Canada, not at the occasion.

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