
Do you plan your life next 2 years to 5 years, talking to someone, talking to some financer? You all mean someone can help you locally? I got none? Only myself?

I did nothing but bind to the chair here? Watching you all far away how long this 365 days pass, you all landing on your 366th days Lawsuits?

So you need an outing, something fun, not attached? 

The younger guys are all building up their career, including paying off their debts. So I am telling not just one side, every side, I am planning too. Is there anything I wasn't sharing on the internet? Having an idea, that doesn't mean you seeing the money in the bank, and you call that a reality? 

I don't have a mood on the gala. You all having a mood? So do you plan? with all these ghostly stories or sometimes romance involved? 

1. Do you smile?

2. Do you greet people how you introduction yourself?

3. Which occasion exactly inside your mind, not on my mind? I might understand its not the 5 mins I need a wall of the photo?

4. Are you planning to build your career with this guy?

5. For the movie or for other professional jobs you are currently in your field? What is that? Business, or accounting, or finance? 

6. And, is that the public relation required? Did you tell me that at all?

My whole life its nothing but the math, and the SCIENCE

I cannot understand a word in the Business???? You have a small business proposal?

You know the day I put that Music, Commander-in-Chef, over those military...whichever I meant it was 194 countries right? On the UN Map.

The UN map doesn't exist, the leadership doesn't exist, for sure that music field is not supposed to exist over in any military sector all across in every field kinds of the classified Military, Militant and Classify .....Did I tell you the music is not a career? Thousand times, to yield one Tina Jojo, that is enough.

Some guys if they going with you to the kararoke, the moment you got drunk and imagine this comic book, Loving To Cry Little, you will be sent off to the end of the galaxy, forever never bother to call the second day.  Never alcohol, never microphone, never your singing, and for sure its with the tear, or with the dim light, they or whom combine, you all singing nothing but noise in a very closure small tiny smoking all around wall absorb in room.

Nothing but stain the ash and smell on the hair and every clothes I ever had.

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