
So why don't you imagine a concrete methods, how to deep roots that kinds of the pot and plants growth? Hank's house near the swimming pool has this as tall as my thigh, that kinds of the round full cylinder soil. I spread the cilantro

It all came out in California ! 

He can just efface that entire swimming pool to have the garden. But we all ending up back in Taiwan.

Jame's house that I say my UB APO gone to were James' house

He told me the town has this free soil, he just requires to call, and they delivering right between his house and the across neighbor, the middle length, and the guy down the Chinese guy's house, the backyard are nothing but basil, that is what he says. Every house I live with some human whom always have to take care of the house? 

I used to shovel the snow in the driveway. Both in Jame's house or in nick's house. The both property, I think mostly he shovel. He is old now. 

What the Apple life


What the Bamboo's life, you know what the Ancient Chinese in the Past about these Bamboo poems usually meant, the 4 shabby of the home without a roof?


So the otter hungry by biting his hands?


I don't really know whom's house, so I say Brian. Whichever my house I ending up, there are people coming in, going out if...its they happy its whole day long the food? As long as they SUV cargo the food, usually in the container, people talk, people saying things they like in their happy world language, they got whom? Other friends if the Westlife are not the only people they know of?

He has the guys friends, and most guys they eat a lot. A lot a lot of the food. In the back time nick used to cook when his "My sons" all came. Tony didn't come a lot. Mimmo drives there most of time. But Nick always ending up he start to cook, in front of them. I don't understand why I cannot cook?! So I never ask him. 

But i help him putting the pasta in, at least the rest of things he does for them?! 

One of those I cannot be trusted issues?



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