
Sometimes you cannot breath to show off on Youtube public face, or a guy saying something, or your dress, or you going out to buy very very brandy clothing?

Or you practice very hard on the dance?

Or very catchy gesture or eye sight?

Or something speech you really this time you writing it yourself?

Or you really wishing this small business idea everywhere other than the more secured job hunting? 

Or you spending per hourly to really reading the book from the beginning to the end?

But you really cannot breath. You cannot breath any guy, any girl, any older, or any title, or any commander saying a word to you right at your face, or if they emailing you, or they critique you, you cannot handle that online, like 5 second you saying a comment back?! You are really really stressful what other people saying anything about you? Remember all these moments?

Or this Tik Tok?

Remember all these things might you seeing it on your side, you really like it? You really wishing becoming? 

You can breath the first time, but not the 5th time? Your own video on your youtube, making a breakfast, or Organic, or what talk show comedian, one of those you wishing a big fame, one of those? 

You do think about those. You wish to becoming...but every step, you cannot breath on the 3rd party showing up anything saying, or responsing? You are not sure if these subject, bio, chem, math, or public hygenic virus or bacteria are right, or what things, you flip your own textbook?

If you could make it One COVID 19?

What is that?

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