
Sometimes you girls just get handy, to really sitting it down, making some simple extra food

Its good for you the girls. I never have a problem let's say any guy saying we are difficult on the dining table any food one idea. Not once yet....but if one guy if I be together, and he saying our relationship is rocky because of the food, I need to make an effort for that relationship extra.

Then, those commitment its real, it will be me directly promising him I will make it better every few weeks, really learn it right, really putting the heart and soul. And no Line App, focus on this one guy. 

Sometimes a guy got hurt very very often. All kinds of the words, and he thinks that is a normal life. His mood going up and down. 

There is a lot of things I say that is abnormal, other than psycho. You have no idea I keep saying that on my cheek, and I am the one have to work. You use some really really really bad English words.

I don't even know the exact words, you even curses in English words? oh my God, the guys didn't put you in the dumpsters?

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