
Talking to you girls with the TV effect, they driven you? For the social dance at your spare time in the local meet-up groups? Do you tell the court that you wish to participate those if you all having the money to give you girls to go? Ask?

Ancient Chasez


You all used to dance together the aerobic exercise in the UB alumni? I never gone. Or this Jonathon for some reason he knew he exists now?  You care about the things that were your past, so you never done anything after the graduate school, and where are those people gone to? Your new working location, that new city?

My new city were in Irvine, south of that Keanu Reeves. I gone to Kryon Seminar will be North of him, and Dr. Gabriel south next by that Santa Monica beach? I went to 3 Art to see the committee board meeting, looks like at least if I talk on the Google Plus, show up? There was no line-up from the elevator, a normal day to day good morning sunshine. It was sunshine in that sunset boulvard, how imagine I park somewhere to go to his bookstore, how did they ever park in that street, and he says he using the bike?

What a scene I can tell those streets. 

So me and Tina's her family move to Irvine, CA. I start to use the local enterprise, where I meet them in Amherst NY started. And I don't have a new thing happened to explore this city, I have to make it to live there? With or without my mother's help? There is Square coming over with her dad's car? And....she has a new host family tale?

I then gone to Silicon Valley, and....experience of A to Z.

That is when I land means a brand new world, I used to know Isabel and Kim.

They are dying out now, so I have no more stuffs going on, but I know the local some business all around the driving, nothing in America but driving. And...their weather are much more mild than in Amherst NY. To that last 10 years, I can tell Simon, 

"You know, my ex bf nick used to tell me moving south ALL the time. But as I grew with him no choice, that was in the 20+, like 23 to 30. The moment 30 I gone out of those zone, fighting 10 years I never think the time passing so fast, to knowing it consciously consciously consciously if the temperature affect myself, for the last 10 years....I really think should. I got lucky. It was that 10 years arrange, I do nothing but in the warmer climate. These 10 years fight, those....need to move south. That is what I think. Not anything else I wish otherwise. That will be the Truth."

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