
The cell division all started at the embryo ....... Your every movie indicator your face UB classmate all together, that is about which cells on the division, I cannot hear the e or o

Miotosis, or Meiotosis? 

You listening to the Thinkwell, that professor looks like Lahari?  So...you defined where are these means the procedure? You have 2 different sets known cells to what you define the number in the containing to that life force, where in the pairs of that known, or combine, while the Ancient Bible speaking the sins running through the human race. There is a genetic situation. 

Or by that mutation, it can all only happened inside the cells.

I didn't tell you what the Twlight saying, am I? 

I becoming so skillful, just so knowing where you meant you remember these material by next every steps at. 

Every Cell Division

Always talk about inside your own body, if you are talking about in the human race. You gonna get confused if we saying the Kingdom, Phylum, Family, Order, Gern, Species, the evolutionary biology with Seth or with Dean? I didn't even known Dean yet.  He learn Greek in his high school, why don't you asking him? He took the genetics when he came back from the England, those impaired trips to get everyone kill. That is all your words every coming out of your mouth. 

In the body synthesize, not the body construct all elements of all living force through God...

Its that the enzymatic reaction that took place gives the digestion channel, or the liver hermone signal pathway, there are all the feeback system how one feeds another through the nerve system = the signal system. Meaning how you feel from the end of your finger tip if you curls, or touch a hot or cold ice, that tip of the finger how speedy fast of the second to the brain, to react, to jump out of the hot iron plate at your finger tip?

Those are the very very basic things inside your entire textbook, whichever they are saying in the details English biology words, it means that is the entire package of the nerve system, and its the ENTIRE body all feeling the pain, the disease, the mel-function, like a thirst, you will go and get the water, or hydrate the body.

If you are hungry, you will go eat.

If you craving the chocolate, its because your blood sugar somehow its becoming a very very habitual when your mood is down, you going for the things that don't make your both hands cold as the girls or the women. 

These have nothing to do with the biology dogma, those are completely just the signal system, that is nerve system. You have a sensitivity, so your body can response through the brain, including that memory, inside your own brain, only you know the secrets. Or God knows.

You didn't really care about your study. I didn't know the per English words, that doesn't mean I don't reading it through the first time, I don't know what every single things they say inside that closure body. Its everything closure ~~~ the ancient Chinese medicine has a very clear label for that 5000 years coming down the civilization, someone or something will have some notebook, to continue those the generation after the generation. 

"They found ........"

That concept just cannot be done, to be open, and expose to these any thin air, will have the bacteria infection....whatever you mean its not disinfect the tools, the blood on the tool, or that will be mostly the hospital people doing the amputation like Hailey's father ever talked about.

To how people can keep getting their body cut and chop in pieces, I already told you about thousand times....never end. 4 side wall. Staring at your own monitor. 

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