
There will be a lot of people in this Medical Profession on the Doctors level, they be studious on that Thinkwell University of Kentucky, that is the thirds pharmacy school in the Nation. (America)

Meaning, they do going back to every materials, when they need to in their own medical path for the public reason and the legal reason, when they really received their certificate or license, that worlds its very dangerous, you were just all the students mode. 

When the movie: Twlight telling you the cell division, or for what reason that is the biology stuffs....on your MCAT, or on Wing or me PCAT? You don't understand what that is? There is a weather involved = the allergy to that seasonal allergy I keep saying it.

Wetness...moisture, Taiwan is very wet, its the island weather.

The arizona its the desert weather. She is from there, or they were from where? The School location at? When you are medical doctor, I thought being a doctor means its the entire scope of the health to that one patient. They have to learn a lot a lot a lot of things, becasue that is what they do best in their profession or the career.



When the biology major, or that double major meaning the chemistry quantitative measurement, to that literally you know what dosage you given to your patients, or, what that biology genetic dogma cannot be fix, if that is inherited and becoming a physical trait to that the body anomly...its a problem cannot be fix ! 

You learn how to diagnosis through a computer, not through experience.

You using the Computer data to repeat the words on what you think, that ending up on your own reviews? That ever Health reports, for seeing all your MD ever did in your student Intern year.

That is a Full doctors jobs, how you ending up a jail, if those patient means your diagnosis is wrong wrong wrong.

You didn't really understand why you choosing it to become a Medical Doctor

You were not serious what you think you were doing, and it will end up in the jail. Your are forcing your memory, you are unleashing to whom excuses, or you were told to study years by years that one PCAT, or MCAT or when your double majors will finish, starting when? Last year, it will be 16 years pass that 陳曉 made his song singing with his TV wife?

You have a goal or an assignment cannot be changed course, why don't you focus on that one book, right? 

My biology dogma, I need people to tell me how I create a presentation or all the writing on the internet? You will tell me, you have none of the lab experience, not with Dr. T in the chemistry, not in biology with UB. Whom God knows where you ending up to where they say you are on the progress to when you will be at passing the MCAT, and US MLE 1 and 2 and 3? 

You ending up in the jail to study on the table, or you mean you staying indoor without the money to when you will send your parents home, to those country, as if you gratitude to them to that one American citizen. 

Let me guess......its the longer you bulge the better.

Not they were finding it out and be back at their country as early as the year 2003/ 2004. I don't even know whom I am seeing at. You wishing they went back to their home country, or some alert in the honor class, there are every countries ending up in there. 

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