
The liquid inside your brain, its like the cerebrium fluid....probably one of those saying like the spine too....or you saying the cellular membrane fluid. Because the cell are not red. Only red blood cells are red?

Meaning what those water inside your brain, you are very woozy....you are so needed your parents. Your parents need the money just like you. You never really trying to help them, so you are alone.

What do I know about those fluid woozy inside your brain, same to me. 

You could just publicly telling people you getting the money or will be, or did, or plan?

The math in 1 years its really 12 months to divide in 4 quarter, but saying 3 months. But you saying the interests rate from the bank, they doing that on their own, its the Bank industry they regulate that. I never listening in, in case they didn't know I was so busy.....NASA.

That interest rate its what? 5%?

The real estate was wife husband team 5%, or 3 % x 2 = 2 agent...in those Canada very very high tax country. 

100%, to 1%, meaning 100 dollar bill, 1% its 1 dollar. 

Can you still read the number acrossing your eye, that is percentage? not the actual digits?

So your brain are foggy, not just wozzy. You lost your attention so soon, so easy to get nervous, every word saying to you, nothing but edgy, pompeo...you cannot focus on the numbers. What did you do in life? By the books? 

Let me look at this guy, he lost his brain, so he got chosen on which ship?

I am telling you, one of those ET will never fail me on Math, just by imagine the hope to breathing on.....I cannot contain myself.

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