
Woozy means you lean forward, fatigue, lost consciousness. Slow. Foggy its ....

I CANNOT SEE ANYTHING WATERY....nothing but foggy on my window pane, its raining outside my roof. 

People like you don't have any capability doing things without others. Its best people will tell you hiring an accountant on the Tax year. But the reason I asking you to go to your classmate 20 dollars per hour, its that its very very cheap rate on them. 

And you will feel a totally different confident feeling even you have to paying your way through. The personality like you. You are super super super super not confident.

SUPER, not tiny bit. You need people to agree what you do, you need others to take that responsibility, you cannot stand up yourself you are so sure what this math is. You cannot be sure those simple things including a pan lifting up, how to turning on an Asian fire stove. I show you before. That is the gas, or that is small fire, or gone? Then shut it off. 

You are not doing anything in life. You trying to stay alive, and breathing. 

The reason you fail that Capitalism, you cannot do any job. Let's say, you can do small job, and you really got the skill, and you got fired. But you have that one skill or they test you or evaluate you, = you have a skill and they just fired you.

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