
The way how they refine, those...oil refinery....from the Top cruel oil all the way to transportation oil + the rest of the junk yard dollar store sale..its that high pressure high temperature compress a soy meat idea...its high pressure

You have this side line can be cut in meat loaf tendon things?


Whatever those, never done meat to me for your colon all health without the green, any more extra serving green per day, per meal, that will makes 3 meals, really. 

So when you saying this blog's title (The very visible what is the high pressure high temperature)

You use lid on it, and concentrate that fired heat within that closure space, but, you must consider enough oil, it will burn very hot, and not that kind of the burning pan to wash in the end. The meat absorb those internal cut from the side, as long as the oil sip through, it is oily, but...

It will be forever COOKED.



That is a lamb, not a meat loaf tendon I guess, what you really putting up a 6 people lunch or dinner side way afteroon digesting....food. Even just 7 patty of that looking its way too many food for a guy, so just cooking 4 time fried, meaning 2 each time in that pan....you doing the roaster potato, asparagus butter mix salt + black pepper, 

3 assort bell pepper with garlic, what do they use in European grocery? 

Onion itself onion soup the last night made to cry?

You saying the rest of those chips, crackers, what does the European eat like American?

Green bean casserole with the fried onion can those crunch things on Top?

Fruits, fruits salad, fruit tea? (Tea on the fruit to make a tea?)

Afternoon snack, fruits, fruit cups, some cookie fruits cup, creme fruit salad, cup root beer ice cream? Or chicken slice tiny tiny tiny strips mix all the room temperature salad, not so cold for the body?

Some stew with some white rice. (Salt chicken drum Chinese style, the slow cooker, all in it cooked, as long as all the spice in it?) + loads brocolli and boiled carrots or shred fresh carrots.



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