
Traveling means invisible people on their phone all the time, to my URL...in case you didn't know.

So you calculate your 3 meals a day food costs. You have to pay your own food, anywhere you travel. No matter what, other than the air-travel. Per day lodging, per day hotel, per day....what did I say I do in the Silicon Valley, I forget.....You know someone might bankcrupt just because, I am so vola thinking outside the boxes, really. 

You want to gamble, you want to proven vola, you have to be practical. 

Some people need to eat 3 meals, not 2 meals. I didn't say that is including the breakfast. I live on for a long time without the breakfast. And this is not competition neither, you want to get in a game such as? 

The friendship never end, or the friends with the benefits?  Last time I check on the Ricky Martin itsn't - This is My Life.

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