
You all NEVER seen those true infrastructure, never built, never seen, you seen some like China? You seeing anything really really really high tech, truely sunshine permeate with the air breathing, nothing but sleek Brand New World?

Shining all surface of the sunshine sunshine (shouldn't use this word metalic high tech? you imagine grey, no.) Sunshine with that green field all things alive felt? Nothing but .....high civilization.

You won't even think one thing people dressing like you all did. FOREVER. 

You may not find out this one life. The court can tell me, if that is an illusion, because ....you didn't have to understand what I am telling you these 2 pictures at all. 


As a girl, you don't have to put a competition heart inside your mind, body, soul. Meaning you wishing to kill people, or aggression to people. Any guy....they probably prefer you are not like that.

Meaning you suppose to endow the Earth given you that tiny support from all the countries here the spirituality. You always introspect. None. None of you get anything inside you. Those guys.....

Will have money. 

Some understand from a lower civilization those whom are fix their eye sights, to the correct living will be just like those Hunger Game telling them. It may not look like the movie, its funny to them, ridiculous. And the money its forever none compatible, true.

But you could "just be great looking as the bimbo if you were."

Because to the normal guys to looking at their own monitor, you will be a girl presenting your cases. As there is a guy, or there is a girl. You didn't understand that part. They understand those part 1000%, you understand? You didn't have to cut off all those exit road the way you are.

They have fosters people before. The guys or the girls.

You might called them the elder or the custodian. One of those higher refine human, soft, but highly understanding the business part. If you gear towards their eyes sight and understanding. Exactly...you meant you say you magic, psychi enough, you truly talent to saying you better than Black Ops America, or those poke cards. Not necessary you can gamble the money to say 777.

You doing what on the monitor, they know and fully aware exactly what you describe, without you describing the right English. They know you exist.

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