
You care about the fence ...the money? The Scientists brick wall !


You also have a black cat can talk, and one day, she can no more talk in human language. When you first arrive to realize, the lyrics says, its all the light red flowers everywhere. Not the image here. 

Meaning everyone already got penetrate knowing what is sex, the red on the bed means. You are too good to be true in every frame they telling you so, that boy.

In every guys world, okay....you girls are very very very proud. Very arrogance. In every universe or the galaxy, if they are defined them as the X and Y, that is just how they form a community or world, that divide a man and a women just like the Bible telling you so. You girls have something put inside your mind, the guys have to be the first to smile at you. That is not the TV saying so?

The guy owe you a what? An apology.

What would be he knows the ending up on his cheek, you have something ilegal to hide or you were already jailed inside your room the metal bar? Where you go to the bathroom?  You contempt the laws in this world, these are not so rigid laws to this entire Universe. You all don't know what you are doing. 

Your future on this Earth is Minion. Your Bible ends at 2000 years later. One me your Earth eternal. You didn't ask me....what you should be doing, you asking what you should random that free will. 

2000 years to no more eternity. Only this life. Everything is ended exactly they meant it.

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