
You girls can try to get near those Eben past last year, 2 years, 3 or 4 years...since 2015 year on video, whom he affiliate them with. Its not good guys anything I like those air things in the real life

You will get yourself in troubles just by looking at them.

Eben has a lot of those eyes looking friends. Its not really what you saying, we are not the same age really. I have a choice, then I make my own choice of life. I don't really care a lot of this stories to be honest. I have a feeling he might sell me out, that time. Later on. 

I am not feeling anything well with it. He has this green smoothie over the ocean. oh My God, he looks like those arabic human. Because..nick although is Italian, one summer he came back from Italy, he is completely brozone color over that sun. The Europe has those custom. oh dear....that is so blacken tone over his skin.

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