
You have a commonality of the gene trait, correct. There are anomly of the gene trait. True. How I ever think for myself.....really.

But those are not MUTANT, the movie. NO.

If you are hyper and too aggressive, that might be the idea, how your hormone running out of your logical sense, and you create the crime more intended....in your life, and be bar at the jail. 

These are the tendency your character are living and breathing under God.

Not separate from the God's identity, but for that gene trait one idea, its your physical appearance, thin eyes, or the bigger eyes. The longer eyelash, or more curl eyelash, you need to make your eye a skin on the top, like me, my eye lash going inside my eye, one side of the eyes. Its a small surgery. The eye lash will go inside the eyes, reverse in. 

Those are not the gene traits.

The gene traits meaning the length, the color, the curls, the existing condition met, that is the gene trait. 

Once you have a trait, then you have this, your body design that trait is that bothering your life? 

Yes, so you fix that on today's medical world.

You trying to make a sense my jobs, or you trying to find the lab faults, I am talking about are all the lab procedure, and none of that are the Lee's lab. He does the research on the bio chem.

You have to have the DNA lab, or the molecular biology those are the genetic level of seeing things, you might just explain to me, what's wrong you trying to find the faults, in your own writing paper notice, "You thought, you thought, you thought......"

Your thought doesn't count a thing, if your GPA is really at 1.0.

Can someone reading a textbook, you don't even know your own English, that per word, sound like a combine words mean? Why they even bothering writing a textbook for you to read?

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