
You have one fridge - all kinds of the containers. Including Brian's what he used to do anything.

I just doing whatever anything else he doesn't use the space, and stack up all this chop, washed, lasting the days for one week? Sometimes you pre-made those spring rolls, gluten, frozen dehydrate carrots + green beans chop sort, or you make this white bean shell of, and paste them, you freeze them similar to this hummus? 

The pumpkin season will be in the fall, so that entire how many pumpkin Brian one human put in the car? That is how much we gonna last the whole winter? The pumpkin soup means you boil them, and puree them, and seasoning that mushroom extract, so you freeze them per bag. That is done soup, just like you buying outside exactly this loving hut Taiwan did.

Its the pumpkin soup base.

Exactly the same, but in America, that is thicker so much better off when I choose to be a lot more thicker and more rich in the flavor with the herbs? I could see it when I dump in it. How amazing, really. 

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