
A lot of time with the school activities, you will have this school reunion, from the family to family if you are so and so, they are all up to the trip, there will be the photo and memory when you gone to this events.

You can make the video, you can have the home video making, or your own very facebook in your own timeline. A lot of times you saying which music you select, you can pick from a lot of the gerne to tell you a story timeline. 

You mute the video on the audio, and put that music on:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VBwLo0Aegw 

Its not true, but you understand what it means the power of the usable media to create the music, sound and motion in people's peripheral entertainment - your facebook friends.  Sometimes you are too ashame for yourself to make those video, you could just upload, and everyone is looking at it.



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