
I think UB Emily and Fatima are true love, such as Taiwan is shortage of water, next step? or I say "next"?

haha.....The mercury and the Sailor moon.

The same thought pattern all the time. 

About the same shorty formats. Fatima is shorter. Emily makes-out the kissing scene in the party to that North Pole guy hanging? She remembers that, the college outing, really. Life with the hope, Fatima is capable to talk out of her mouth some really interesting topics, if you just met together how the worldly debates starting with the mouth jobs.  When you 2 are ready... Next the Mars by that book sequence? The next meeting? Why don't you get along seeing if I am right? 

Nick Carter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VBwLo0Aegw

When you be happy, you figure it out the next 3 months, really. Every life situation are all like that, you found out.


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