
Almost every GUYS, they are nothing but lowering down their head, for their parents, their friends, the girls, they lie 1 to zillions, to make it in life, including finding things out.

They are THAT low, you all girls just too proud to be, too egoistic to imagine, to arrogent to lay down to your OWN Father.

Your mother, your sibling, your brother-in-law if the cash needs to lay down your BIG head. Different age, you see how far the guys willing to do, for your acquire money, you mean the BAD guys, the STREET KING guys, you seeing the Keanu Reeve's movie?

You have no security, because you only call the COPS. You want to call them every single day, tell me what you are working on? You want to hide? None of you want to corperate your perfect guy on the street to the police. Those are ALL WRONG.

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