
And in the MD world, the female will be very little, I can tell you that.

But let's say pretend there is no occupation label.

You enter a world, you are what? ABCDEFG, whichever you have name, no name. You will be seeing the crowd such as your height, the guy's height, the boy's height. Like in UB. You have the indication you wish to grab things but they are not all there with the mind to imagine they look at your...

1. Shoes, 2. The shoe lace, 3, the notebook 4. The cup 5. the backpack

So while you are a girl, a female. Right now 16 years pass since you graduate, you re-mix into the work force, you strive to have that paycheck to meet the end meet. Some guys, some girls, some family, some family with the kids and established. You taken that imagination through the TV as one of them, and you start to imagine your own very attitude to get on your Parents, you cannot breath one extra day more.

Among the guys, as the years going up the age, tell me what they wish to see, if their entire youth year not seeing enough, in the real life sense?

A home, a food on the table, a correct concept of the life philosophy, not getting jealousy over their kids, their family statue, or what not, where is your occupation. Never love the way you are. That is none of that anything to do with the medicine, or harvesting the herbs to imagine those....your supermarket culinary herbs.

I guess there is no difference just by the sounding of it.

Your terminology were that no one can distinguish a career you are better than anyone else to that Online a word saying? You are a MD. I am telling you, its better where I tell you to go or all else be dead or jailed for the rest of your life. Not one word you hearing clearly.

Your entire situation to how the humanity uplifting tiny bit 4 limbs with the warm water, or the cleaning methods at home, whatever I say the Tape Water Factory.....its none of your life philosophy, tiny works, the Medical Boards pays you the bill first. Not the things going in first. That is your attitude, you will never make it in any degree, really.

There are tall guys, there are the conditioned guys. You becoming their height to understand how shorty you really are, or the small petty words coming out of your mouth, they saying a word at all?

Last time I check that UB facebook were nothing, so I shut them all down.

You keep comparing yourself, competing yourself....you are never a league, that is what you keep proving that low statue of your IQ brain. You keep sabotage yourself, you saying the positive words reinforcement, I just tell you, you will never make it.  Your medical board would have wish one human on this planet I will open up my mouth to anything else I suppose to say, with all of you, I deny to say. That is why you end up all in the jails. You understand?

Not one word you hear how people should be killed and dead on the street, you didn't hear a word to move here 5 years ago, or 6 years ago. 

That's why you fail, that is why you never make it, that's why you will either be killed or the life sentence with your parents can retire for the rest of their life, and be relocated you or them happily to their own country.

For the REST of their life.


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