
When you imagine you are a MD, a doctor, you don't go and occupy other people's stuffs, not in your tones, in your voice, not in your attitude, so none of you are correct tones. Not in the head, not in your life, not in your grades I guess

Your stability isn't there. All these stars are temporarily capable to stay in that jobs including that Biden. All of them. All the TV frames, all the none sense gossips, they are mortal.

They keep telling you that. 

The patient coming in its where they care about every small tiny things, that doesn't mean they understand the theory, but they can only deliver the small tiny life philosophy, you understand?

The competition,

The jealousy,

The argumentative,

Occupying each other's attention,

Hurt each other,

Calling each other,

Buddy together,

Hate each other, and beat up each other,


There are the scene inside this map line within the zones, each label a country, a flag, a flower. They didn't get them a strength in anything other than the current living lifestyle. Nothing at all.

To that MD what your Medical Board Committee Board wish to see, its a clear indication you understand every Samsara aspect to even lifting the religion, I highly doubts it will be me forever the Top I will tell you on this Earth, 70-80 years old mortal bound world.

You are not thinking anything evolution to those TV monitor, no matter its this year 2000 or year 3000. Things don't disclose to you the details, not really. But I understand exactly what it says.



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