
Between the guys, the guy needs to have the motivation to talk to people, easy to approach the people....that is why they becoming successful, you need to effort a lot of those day and nights imagine things and get things through.

I just tell you what I think. I used to be in so many groups, I seen a lot of things when I grew up. My facebook has more guys than the girls, I just gonna tell you that. 

I am not sure your whole life, in America always co-ed school? So...you don't want to know the guys, so you go and making the friends with the guys, or until the guys coming to chase you? If a girl next by you to tell you, no...not like that, you are not going to open up more your personality?

You becoming more uptight, or more nervous they notice you? You mean which facebook, my facebook, or your own facebook near by friends? 

I am very sure they notice nothing about you, just like me. Seriously.



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