
China news 中國新聞 Sometimes ago I read about their Astronauts landing back in China. 他們以前有新聞我有看過,中國本身有航空業就是太空人下降回到地球,你們一定不知道是怎麼走出來的!

There are some legal paper works here, 有些文書在這邊

I can ask those Westlife or Backstreet Boys or NSYNC if they want to come to the hospital here, cheaper while I am waiting, waiting, waiting the local court or the Supreme Court both in China and in America

我可以問西城男孩或是新好男孩或是 NSYNC 他們要不要進來這邊醫院,我在這邊等等等,地方法院跟最高法院,中國跟美國。

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