
中國最高法院跟美國最高法院 (現在狀況) 🥪🥪🍕 I work wireless, technically.....anywhere its about the same. Because, the court I think this time the Supreme Court coming out. You think the local court and the Supreme Court are the same? 🥪🥪🍕

Therefore, I still continue that file-ing the wireless things when it comes to me. I might get a better system or details once things get align a little bit. I may not cook that much, I don't really know what do they do in their world. Everyone's life style a little bit different. But I can stay where I am currently in Taiwan.現在我都是無線工作文書對我來說,我可能有一個比較好的科技系統,等東西比較整齊一點,我也沒有說我要煮那麼多呀 !

Do you know China has a Supreme Court?  你們知道中國有最高法院 ?

....do you know China is a communism world? They don't look like that strict but they are still in that system, if they collecting their legal system be more equip, that is still the whole population benefits. I just sit here doing nothing but waiting?

I am not politically driven, but I have the Supreme Court just that China or America, I didn't see myself moving soon, but my father their kind can go first with my mother. 

最高法院跟地方法院不太一樣吧 ? The Supreme Court and the Local Court is different.

中國最高法院 = China Supreme Court

美國最高法院 = American Supreme Court

我好像沒有說我現在還沒有計畫吧 ? I didn't say I have any plan right now, did I?




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