
Did you girls ever talk to the guy functional before the high school, arriving to this UB, you are all so short, meaning you studying it a lot to get to the Honor Class Program? Do you have the scholarship?

And ...you had a bf, or joining any PR campaign, how the boy's club talking to the girl's club, one of those? No...you all are super short. Shorter than me, I don't know what you expect? So I am asking you.

The birds are doing this again, the voice don't coming out the throat. Wait... (I am talking to Shane, the birds talking to Shane, the white cloud?)

Not me talking to him.

Why your voice don't come out? The boy's club to the girl's club means, you eating across to each other to start that conversation. Like the table to table, sometimes you have the picnic, sometimes you have the outing, sometimes you have a gathering. Including their current new perfect life, gf or ex wife. I am not sure what you guys do.

But in that process, you were in a club at all?

If in those position, the phone never stop back and forth. That is what you suppose to do? I think so. Whatever these....you all leading each other out of the slavery, that is a story. 

I think it will be witness program. You can just sort each other misery for a couple year, but not continue for saying its a long table, not to be with the guy alone, and you 2 will move away somewhere else?

There is a story, that story means a happy together to build up something.

You ask the guy

You ask someone to reference him.

You ask things around with him in it?

That evolvement will start at a long table eating, and knowing each other. I am not short of those meeting people on the table. I will not be there, I have too many things right in front of my faces right now.

I didn't expect you girls knowing what you suppose to do on the first time, the first meeting. I assuming you like the guy when you seeing him, you gonna tell me after the first meeting Wing or Jonathon this time, you will be honest talking to me, what that is? Meaning its a long table you keep next 10 round, or you will just ask him a yes or no yourself that time? Or you telling him straight forward that time?

I didn't mean you will destroy every relationship in front of you, side by you, behind you...so I don't say that much, other than the first initial meeting. Most likely you day dream what the life is about once the court relax you a bit.

Its every story the same, I will tell you that.

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