
Do you see Kian anywhere? Because I thought Westlife Facebook page, wasn't Shane what the leadership next by....its a ??? Angel means the public relation? PR

One of this I cannot understand a word they say, I imagine if I am talking to myself really.

What was this Dr. Gabriel in Twlight and Nicky ends up begger no money on the attics? That is so sorrowful just look at it. To me....I won't be finding it out that with a stunt or fake Shane or at the court room Judge?

Are they on the street? I know exactly which story I say, it was not on the planning to make a movie looks sur-real, I just change my agenda the days before until the day they put a movie scene through that Vola at my faces. I never say I wishing them to be the begger, that is 1 or all of them? I have a real job its to baby-sitting these Harry Potter long table until what ....How come they are everywhere inside the movies? The Westlife. They have to make a sense to me, really!  No, I am not the Doctor, but I can understand why they saying that in the movie? ! I getting that a lot !!!! 

I am not the ABC, but I can understand why they saying that in the movie? !

I am not the ABC, but I can understand why they saying that in the movie? !

I am not the ABC, but I can understand why they saying that in the movie? !


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