
Hey, today is Monday morning already !

sigh...when my misery could end, doing nothing but outdoor to breath a bit. These birds they talk, you finding any real human with the real skills to solve it, because its every single second they are on the phone with Shane, or Westlife?

Do you American military girls step up anything opportunity, in your own worlds, including these boy bands positions past or present? They are not that old really, whichever age you are younger, you learn faster if you pushing it through to step up those leadership?  I learn that mistakes in the elementary school, sometimes you cannot push that agenda, or else you won't have any friend?

I still don't have the friends, but still.....I could do more what I want in the end? 

They listen better also, when that position was invisible? No matter what?  Not the harsh punishment only if you keep insisting wrong? I keep reminding you its wrong every piece of paper re-write?

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