
I create a page, this would be 2 PDF file (The UB Groups activites, you just print, how lazy you all ever be. So the original links, in the future you test your below people once you manage others)

They need to go to Archive

PDF One is for the Lawsuit 595.

One PDF if for the UB Group activities on the Top Navigation Bar (You are the witness programs, or else you will be in the jailed)

But you all from UB that Amy's TA office class, you check on the Britney song, Amy?

Meaning there is a PDF this layout on the Top, saying 1 inch= 2.54 cm I am in Taiwan, that is my format, in English PC I don't remember, or unless you are still using it the UB Micro that CD?

You remember how you operate that PDF to print format, in your own MS Word, that time the UB CD inside...that, or you update your software. My software when I purchase in Taiwan this IT world already update. Taiwan we have nothing but those....cheaper methods for the software, so I am up-to-current? Its in the computer when you purchased. 

The Westlife don't know, when they get here, I will tell them.

Whatever....well, they may not use PC? Be more motivated to learn? What is the everything in Asia were manufacture and equipment IT or semi-conductor industry or Expo?

Export or import?

UB Server side (VPN), ask Wing?

That is a portal similar to ITune

But what you that time if were off-campus like me Anna away from Dean living in the South Campus, in Jame's house, I have to upload to the server, similar to today's Google Cloud

So I just walking in the UB Capen saying hi to Bill.

Its already there. 

You want me to say that again? In UB, there was a UB Micro store, you getting UB CD for all the software inside, you never move, throw out junks, other than me lost EVERYTHING? So with your notebook, or textbook, you have a UB micro CD.

That CD has a VPN, its similar to OU language or this ITune, its an interface you open an portal to the UB clouds that time, called the UB server side. 

Ask Wing?

UB Lawsuit 595, click to read more PDF and Print

UB Group Activities, click to read more PDF and Print

Why did you learn from that Amy TA, the general chem from near Dr. T, its because the PDF its already process file, you open that link above, you direct click on "Print", someone to be that lazy for you just click and click twice, you already print out a piece of paper?

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