
I don’t care about art and Craft, funny, I deliver what ?

I don’t care about sewing clothing, if you want me to burn down a fire department location you on recording knowing that will be the only Eternal Laws, forever and forever …I do things once, one day if I leave, not at the moment. I seen enough garbage. 

I am the one telling you System, did I?

I didn’t know I saying that, if you touching it the line?

No you don’t need to care about the animal, to that extent multiply…because the human civilization exist. I didn’t say make them die. Engineer a method they can be sufficient and open up your mouth a direct communication I cannot understand it.

Whatever the Pixies borders all that whichever I say, their manual sustain.

I have no patience, I have warning you, my least patience when my ability combine. Don’t hear, don’t care, don’t imagine it’s between your uniform or I say my words everything deliver perfect. 

Your debts it’s the peoples habits. 

Your public hygienic is the civilization die out.

You suppose to be indoor, doing nothing but 4 limbs every single day all the time rinse at it. I am. Rinse means? Count 5 seconds 10 second 15 seconds, dry. You can just extent your entire entire arm under that facet in the bath rubes rinse rinse rinse rinse rinse.

It’s just the water. 

Dry !!

You don’t need to process your nail everyday but between your finger line, toe line, you have to open and scrap by your finger nails?  I am lazy too you know? Why you soak the water in? Open up the smell?

I actually knew that, how Amazing !!

I am not that super tall, but I will neglect my foot sometimes too busy !! But I care when I can.

Just rinse the legs standing, not necessary the foot. You take care that once a week, bathing or just once.

My bathroom because it’s right next by, Taiwan iodine is a small bottle, I use at the toes, you put 2 tissues paper under one foot, they will stick if it drip and your below muscle parts will stick, I step on the back sole back to my seat.

Wait ….5-20 mins

Washing in my sink, I am flexible. Not that tall. 

Not all the time. Because I have the guys around. If you don’t be with anyone best. 

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