
I personally don’t care about music, mute, damf at it. And now Westlife or them Simon upper told me anything particular, they screen out people?

This Bible operates?

Maybe you need to re-write.

The material science, interior design, pavement road, weather control, infrastructure, medicine, animal  odor, natural perseveration. I am in a lot of things other than in the music or the TV cover.

The cartoon on Formula One 閃電霹靂車

You need to get to America, I seen zero things in Asia or Europe. I think it’s a real life I live in Europe other than screening people? You need that AMerica Visa - special skill categories. I know myself immigrant, what’s that Tina, Pang, unless blood?

Also, this first immigrant UB, all denial.  9 generation investigation, hang, chop, cruelty handle. Nothing innocent when you fail. 


Or me.

Don’t talk to me New Age, that Medical Board if don’t know what they are doing, I won’t be here talking to them, or AMerica. That is the best thing in your Earth, talk about my judgement not getting worsen everyday going out what I say about all these. 

Money, bank, military formation to get thing going.

You have no spirituality. I keep saying it.

1+1 always = 2, if I come out an example something, I know exactly I am saying that, could be this stupid every step the way. Don’t imagine I don’t remember which things I leave behind - it’s between you really know what I say or why I say, or how I am saying it.

The final verdict of that judgement. 

I knew all these told stories First hand, first reference, you cannot possibly tell me I cannot distinguish whet color I see my own eyes at where, really. What I apply my own Driving License. You all doing on purpose against your own education requirement, it’s more of the Educational Department than the American Medical Board you saying the lawsuit original.  That turning back and forth your lawsuit, remember how you did it.

I already warning the humanity over and over.

Try not to fail anything your Congress pass, because that land do not do that. It’s first clear. I think so.  I am telling you so, you deliver so…all your year after year double Major on some(meds resume. That’s undergraduate only.

If you only knew your pass sign, one simple failure at the college courses saying drop-out, it’s very very reward feeling how each every step when someone’s educational require quadruple surpass. It’s not yet at the Earth, it will be filter out by stability and IQ - I am saying that too very often did I?

Say it again?

1 plus 1 equal 2?

Funny …you have a Wall Street.

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