
I don't know this Westlife things, but let's say...my parents temporarily are busy, and my sibling has the guests coming...their own guests, it will be me preparing all the presentation of the food, including fruits cups, those more like cocktail? Not the alcohol, but some ice included idea?

And whatever that is, a family social occassion, if the guests arrive, his Pang super important things, he invites, you treating his life having a decency and manner with it?

You all very tight up your finance, for saying any presentation?  I got strain at, that doesn't mean I cannot temporarily that one time two time how far apart this Thanksgiving to Christmas anyway, he only came back once a year? His loving stuffs whatever he cares about?

That is Pang.

Then there is a Tina. Her best friend elementary school's mother Jewerlry Expo next by 101, showing up? I was so fat that time in the photo. There are things you do with the manner, and the courtesy just show up.

I will be the oldest in the family.

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