
I told you, transpassing building enough offices....

You don't really show anything inside you, you know what you are doing with your life. A lot of people are very very delicate to proven, they know exactly what they doing with their life. 

This world doesn't really require you to tell anyone you doing what things behind, saying transpassing building its Anna's term, not any of your research paper format, because I quote that Westlife for anything they had on that TV.

But as for what I really do what myself to anything even in the cold capitalism under, there are only the office building really in the city. Just business most people telling you that. Because when the music background someone else making a sound, it was all from their imagination they like about this Comic Manga.

Something else sprouts on the other side of the World. The end of the Universes. The edge of the existence. 

Sometimes an air, a wind passing through, to your weary eye sight to that eye glasses frame to take an exam, studying process.....the light flip a moment. There entire Cosmo, knows.









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