
In Asia, we have this seasonal....holiday like the Chinese New Year, do you know China has a holiday the workers off their jobs for one weeks?

Imagine the one thing about the traffic system or their schedule on the monitor?

So a lot of this where I am existing this City, we go out and eat. Its not a super big deal things you don't know how to cook....this too good to be true. But if you are trying to make it in America, you will have nothing but cook the day til you going to the senior home. They serve those meals 3 times a day. They gain a lot of weight. 

For example, if Westlife come here ever again, just for visiting, its like receive the guests we always do here in life?  For example, I can buy them each things I say just sit down, I apply this on Mark's eyes on the edge. Its 15 NT per small tiny squeeze thing. Its travel use.

You would have shaken your hands wobble with that cotton bar.

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