
๐ŸŸ๐Ÿ” In the human evolution that, you acquire a human body, then function with a basic math skill to be born as one of those Newton starting 15th century laws of that thermaldynamic begins...๐ŸŸ๐Ÿ”

One day you born into an era

1. You have a medical facility hygenic needles to inject anti-biotic including the insulin. - One merits

2. You have an electrocity for those metal sharpen skills to align something to make a medical bed laying on there for an operation. - One merit

3. You have an ear that understood a language no more just watching the Sun and thirst to die like the animal. - One merit

4. You could understand the educated speicalist, whom educated by that government given them the incentive to be more educated. - One skill worker merit

5. One day you coming in a time where there is a book be open or close, its a prophecy, here says 2000 years.

6. One day you could just watching TV be free mouth to critize including going to jail or be dead, the game is over. But you alive, you could just follow every command and rules, only bow, kneel, flat to those obidence you promise God, if if if if if i f...

7. When you be truly dead not able the next 100 years, its only solely your very own problem between God and you, ALONE.

I never even try to help you one bit spirituality, for those you might just be dead, your freedom act, a lot of people just really need people to consent "be dead." and that is the finish story.

How far and grand the freedom unlimited goes.

I am sure that Mahavatar Babaji was just a photo and a joke.


Tell me about why there is a Digital Era, to that Y2K of this future I ever says?

Opening up your mouth, you know your ever degree was not one thing align, however you pray, you wish, you make a vow, your time and evolution does not come to a term, anything any seed required to be forced into your awake mundane life other than making it the

100 years System Living skills with the money you saying the eternal on my lawsuit.

You do not born to deserve anything spirituality.

Not born with, not endow, not freedom to quest, to ask, to show off even daring. 

That consequence is dire.

You keep using your Laws society and behind fake it saying you are spiritual, for leashing someone like me you will see how the hell fire burn, in every degree in the humanity, if you don't improve it what that tiny law structure to sound like French begins 1789.


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