
Want to talk about Shane and Brian. You mean Nicky....how I would ever be surprised when you have a choice on the mouth job. What about it?

Some human does some horrendous things, and that is if you dare to do it. Normally most of you are just the student modes, to imagine making a public statement to sound like, you are angry with your own parents on the weekend, when you get home, and guess what?

In that next 40 years to that 52 weeks, you saying Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter....they have to be dead in one of those hours, you don't happen to walk in that weekend, like that Simon Cowell's dad. Harry Potter begins.

That is enough comment on it?  What you always Tina Jojo always wish to argue, what she really meant and wish to know at her deep soul, it was neither on purpose to them, or on you yourself were special enough if stand up for the raising question, right?

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