
In-Law has other kids, oh ~ your prospect his sibling, their kids okay, I understand that

You choose which table, one guy? Or every guy prospect? Your sibling coming together with you all, friends, his friends, all friends all showing up that one long table? 

I don't really care about the movie or the stories, but I am sure you have something to say, the lady first. None of that I can see its me.


I don't have a draft for 10 years, because the circumstance were too bad, you have any sheet show up, in case you cannot read it clearly.  I don't have the eye glasses, I can read it now. 

Do you have a particular pen you use?

You ever play any table chess anything involved with a different color pen? I have. That is why I ask you? If you don't have the preference, its okay with me.  

Is this for the discussion or the personal? I can write next by or you have another sheet?  Anyone else has the sheet? and you talked to each other before compare the sheet, or you have something in common, anything different on the sheet, I write one, or repeat?

"The roughly idea I think you 2 can combine, or separate that cases to....I listing here, its for everyone to hear. If they ask you. I put the contact after that, the email."

I guess that is how you talk to the in-law, or all the family usually are very very confusing. I met Adam's father's side entire Thanksgiving, I cannot understand one person.

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