
Nick knows my attitude with his family, he will tell you, he probably can figure it out, what was I ever attitude with any of you. He knew all that.

You usually are a type of the girl, its the older people ask you a question, you talk.

I used to gone to that Karen's family dinner to talk a story about my car.  You formula a story in front of all of them, not just the parents, you gonna have everyone else all together? Or you imagine its per bf prosper in-law by the movie decree?

I think its those Wayne Family Lunch after Church sounds real. Its the cafeteria style. With the current time, you talking to the old people like you talking about the business, or how soon you like the senior home Erin's wii board exercise? I tell you its per quota count movement will sound like per caroles burn out, they cannot really doing that, but...there is a reason.

The last time I talking to Vince, Nick's friend, was the First time I talking to him. He is on the TV with the Monica the rose bed. I sitting those small tiny tool watching up wall TV, I turn back looking at nick and him in the kitchen table.

I have my hair up!

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