
Its better at right now .....because you cannot hide anymore, how much you hate the guys, and they have this Square this side girl to girl relationship working it out, the lesbian laws sprouting.

Anna I told you what I see in the girl's school, I know what you girls are like, in that....small tiny classroom. You mean you all have a life. 

I am not sure how far to this real opening, so I say you cannot hide. You practically could hide in one lifetime, if no High Tech, no Cooperated interest wishing you well, and forcing everyone to tell the truth. I don't like the girls, I say that very very clearly.  You could all one by one drop in front of me, and I meant exactly like the TV says, I have no feeling any of you. 

But you all have this inclination to put up a fight with the guys. Whomever that supposes to be, and the most world will have the women's groups supporting that cause of the minority, whatever you claim its to be righteous at this time. 

Stick to your claim. You know you are right. 

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