
No, I don't use MSG. The soup? You have some indian spice, some Chinese spice, some meat brooth, its instant made already.

You have sugar, salt, vinegar, or olive oil, lemon, orange peel?

You have spice, the cullinary spice.

The indian has one of those boxes mix in Canada I have seen. Its a type of the curry, not like the Asian these curry. Its one of those American curry. Its spicy enough. What do you eat with the soup?

Some baguette or some fishes + some tiny rice, + tiny salad.

You don't want your stomach too entirely overload with the food. So you break them in the lunch hour earlier, so not too full for the stomach.  If you just prepare enough food on the kitchen, anytime if they group gather, they eating whole day long, that is why you have the groups?

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