
๐Ÿ‹๐ŸŠ Not us, it never happened with us, not really. But we were design the overall school one street across that big intersection under the bridge.

It’s every day long table, I eat there. The vegetarian I go to the end get the food and come back that long table. Myself. With the show up volleyball teammates. We practice til …? My entire team time lives and sleep in the school and that eating street.

It is a long table.

Westlife, I saw they mix girls in between their seating arrangement, but that’s not what I say.  I meant more of the invitation kinda. That’s a fan clubs not by the invitation, like a drape curtain those. A real invitation. Isn’t that what I said?

You know, we are the professional adult, not anymore those teams play, eating the ice cream. They show those times means side by side us growing up.  I know that. People gonna die, people had to go on their individual confident life, people by yourself have to start to make a decision…not every sentence words Anna I write for you on??

When you gonna get on boarding train? Not 2015, by you are 70 ready to die?

Your parents will die before you, you move to Asia see marrying in an Asian girl ? You all need that feeling with someone there, you believe in that. I told you, it will be the only 3 meals issues and business your money issues, really.


Remember me?

2014, we were at Lords of Rings final scene?


Growing up it means…

In the winter you are cold you put 2 socks on, or you need to replace a roof 

Someone it’s side by side never stop, if the movies is wrong the court will be the first day took them down, especially now.

America has a lot of things in replace for you to grow up like an adult, for example

1. Hungry you get food to eat, Cook something, brought some fruits home banana or pears or apples. A little soupy.

2. Always seeking a right profession, what exactly is that? Harry Potter assort hat?

3. Tie up shoes lace you sorting on the Kohl’s shoes bench, you hoping which shoes to fit, you want to guess you will be 60 years old still doing that? I never change the appearance ?

4. Aging is a part of the Worldly sorrow Buddhism told you that !

5. If I see myself only and a PC moniter and a digital era, even if I get old, I don’t have to ?? Forgiven the aging process ? I never have an attention needed ? It’s just a 4 wall room until I make it that bank ?

6. That bench shoe lace scene, it’s you wish your parents there tie your shoe or fit that shoes next by, bring the similar size to your foot near by, tell me? They are never a lazy mom, do they know what it really looks like? Want to talk to my side of nick? He believes in that, I believe in that, or it’s me and him both show up? You sit on that bench seat, not what? Throne ?

These are the size 26 for both feet, 2 pairs, we get up and put a couple boxes near by.

You know what it is.

The day goodbye ?

Really ?

I am talking really really really small. I say your witness program that one room your hair grey, you are in your living room? Someone pass the door, you could hear outside? The darkness only the monitor light on the whole space, you have no one bothering you? Absolutely no one?

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