
Part 3 - Slam Dunk 灌籃高手 ( it was at your younger time, that was a big hit in Asia all over the domain from Japan starting )

I don't want to talk about this anymore. Whatever they portrait any....this Mahavatar Babaji, you insist that TV were Hankidhan Babaji, I could see that Part 1 Part 2 and Part 3. Not parting .....you have an Indian 500 years old. What is this the TV says, anything before him...?! 你師父的遺訓,it was....? Your vow, your whisper thinking after you met him, or what it is in the end of the foot hill of that Mountain when you coming it down?

Did he come down with you that day, you just fainted inside the cave, no one sees you or him?

That story with the Taiwan journalist, I could see that, hear that in Chinese. 

Let me guess what I suppose to imagine, when I put these photo up really......

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