
Seth is one of those get-on too high...he doesn't know what he ends up? All supporting costs !! All supporting music, all you ever love, the God, the Sangha, the money, the comfert, the parents, the talk, just ...so invincible?

You listen to that SMCH sounding of the voice?

You believing the world has no threats, or no one does to each other the commercial interests on the very Top, they argue, they fight, they sign agreement, or the lawsuit to each other? The very harsh situation because it was the Corporation interest, it is not a simple thing called "the problem-solving", because when they are in the dispute of the patent issues, it is "as is" all the time, they start to debate or argue in front of the Judge, about how the things being written before when they file-ing?

Between any two big company? 

You won't be seeing any of that. They are supporting just like it used to be, let me guess, where you think you look like now?  You want to calming down your nerves a bit?  You have a monthly statement in the bank, the money you use your cards to withdraw the money from the bank is not going to increase. You are very happy, of course I am happy for you, but you are not in your mind to imagine everyone else life and you, becoming the Oneness?

Its the things you understand, all in English.

Its all the things you agree, you like, you heighten the spirituality

Its all the peaceful idea, you wishing the world a better place

Let me guess, which is the World Peace idea, I think you put inside your mind? The utopia?


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