
So..according to me, you heard me saying there is a subject line called Ancient Chinese as one of the transcription grade. True, separate with the Ancient Chinese history, I forget to tell you there is a reason why I keep saying they are together !!

Yeah, most Chinese will tell you, if someone told you.....商鞅妲己 they wish to see whom that Lauren is. She can make a living out of herself, really.

But....not the entire bigger thing because its very very bad. They can look at her, but not keep a photo of her in the wallet. No. You girls still to fantasy your short cut like SMCH selling herself on the karma reason. How come you get those idea? Your skin or your face to sell the photo?

The art scrabble, the poems, the meditation supply, the meditation tent and seat?  The Celestial Shop. com? One of those?  Every junks she ever compiles, I already seen most of that stuffs in 2005.

In-law would be like mother-in-law, the father-in-law, that would be the girl's side like the movie: Meet the Parents?

oh ! 

My side of the in-law, they were older than me. I never speaking to them a word, really. Nick and I talked different. But he carried those conversation with his son. I talked to the kid. Its different when 2 people relationship, because my side of the world its blank, no friends, no family. He knew that. 

He has a lot of the sister and the neighbors though, and those ex gf, never end. But the in-law are their own race, so they talk best to their own race. I really don't care about it. We don't eat the same thing, its he cooking...did I tell you, there is not one time I understood why, I never ask him? No. I never think of it, probably he cares about his own hygenic more than me? One of those the garbage thing i will poison his kids. Only he will coming out of those words from his mouth, everything he does. Its his son.....

They eat Tomato sauce. 

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