
Sometimes I am too busy, too many pulls me things, I didn’t understand what they say?

5 newspaper included.

(Wash up ....the mouth is not as feeling it. the below is still there, I need to air dry. The girls don't wear the underwear at night, my mom says the whole room smell. I never smell anything at all.)

You don't have to force to like any guy, to limit / to control, that any guy, the guy can do that all by themselves how to manage and run a household. A lot of the times, just one extra person, waiting together at the trash can, I coming out later, if I seeing him through the windows at the end of the driveway, so I come out. Its not I dragging the cart, but I came out, we walk back together? 

Sometimes its my entire period bag, just throw out in the bins, and change that plastic bag, he collects those bags already, he has a routine running inside his home? So I running back and forth, not too lazy?

Sometimes its his ashes cabin has this floor bad to walk out, they have this in between collecting all the dirt so I scrap them all out, per line per night, on the ground? Its not a super big deal thing?

Sometimes its the bucket he already take out the wood burn ash, and leave it there, I go and throw outside? Or re-filing the piles of the stock winter wood inside that bucket? Re-fill of something, clean the counter, wash the vegetable, prepare for the noon? Its always a routine, because I had to work on the computer?

Sometimes just all the entire grocery filled up tagging on MY avocado outside skins, the banana. I cannot take it? 

Standing there a job, those house the floor are bad, now I am in a real concrete, I can jump flip bounce better, it was very very bad.

You appreciate things in life, "It can get worse"?

Tell me, what is a mood means?

Nick Carter - Addicted


You imagine you could always be with that person, how long a person really lives on? You imagine you have 10 years, you imagine there is anymore possibility in life, how to carry on? The high heel throw with your feet, that vola feeling to lay down on the one person luxury bedroom, 12 months a year lease, you imagine 2 years you feeling....the money or that sofa required the paying it out? Its using the credit card you knowing it will last...forever? One sofa. 

At night a TV wall, that is the eye glasses staring your eyes fix, with a thing putting inside your mouth. You never be filmed on high tech, look at your faces how to keep staring that TV content. And when you will be seeing and meeting some human....their eyes sight never fix wrong, just by per second degree....some one will tell you...its everything wrong about you?

Because they put on an eye glasses?

You need to finish that episode of the TV.

Nick Carter - Addicted 


China Youtuber?

How each industry built up? By imagination and a TV wall?  

Everything done by the process of that...each and every step someone does that manual jobs, per degree trying, so you have a degree of the next direction how to do things.


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