
The career choices ....people often say in all different niche, there will be people rising up.

They just didn't know how exactly the money digits or the true reality rising it up at all. To that every field, every career choice, or every TV material. Of course it will be private between me and the court? You are the democracy world, and the medical / medicine allows or the books business always be + the internet.

You always imagine the public fame. There are the youth, in all that different Youtuber niches, as long as you just imagining, how to re-invent the future, just like you all loving that Steve Jobs that much, putting some of that spirits inside you and making it.

Every time you seeing something Bright and Shining like the Silicon Valley were our time 2004, its ALL the things you imagine the California Gold. Its in the people's language, there is a facebook, there is a Bill Gate story, to that Mark story. There are all sprouting this very very new feeling of that Informatic Era, the Digital Era....to all these words you picking it up from 

Just any random book in the University library, because that is one of those tarted minimum wage jobs in the school. You didn't have to be negative or dismay, or less action forward, but keep pushing through that reality poking hole "Steve Jobs says", the boundary.

You didn't lose hope in creating anything New, whether its Ella Enchanted or Avatar....that inventing spirits starting the Edison in America 1900. So many this you got inspired stories starting by how you creating that "What resources you capitalize on" - one piles of the very very simple the UB library books. Sitting there 2 hours, or 1 hours, doing nothing but imagining the Future, you cannot do anything about it, but you keep imagining the money dream big.

Just like them.

Just like them.

Just like the Silicon Valley, 

Just like the Semi-conductor industry.

One day you will find a way to do it !!!!!!

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