
The leadership in any group such as "the talents part", the sports arena, choirs, madrical ....these are not part of the school academia class

So each year, each school, each district will have the competition, or contest or annual performance such as the Christmas concert, they sell tickets from the school part to the public. 

In Madrical, we really don't have the leadership. We have a teacher taught us the singing per class, and she toning for us, like a conductor. But let's say we going out to this bus took us to go a place and compete, we stay close as the group.

There are many of this science and math team also happened in here Asia or in America. Just when you input your high school, where my original plan was a pirate school, there is no activities other than good grade to get in the medical school. There are other more freedom public school, they will have 

1. Honor Class, extremely higher IQ

2. Sports athletes (Asia just not so much like American, but they have the earlier middle school starting, not me just the high school starting from zero)

So my scenario that was talked about it...whether you think its true or not true, it is where when the groups of the leadership has to be present at the tournament outside the school, in Asia, its not a big deal. The girls only see the girls, the guys only see the guys.

No one require for that gender difference for saying there is any ....situation where I describe to you if you walking in all these groups inside the Washington D.C. Like you seeing that JC Chasez does for the Sorority.

In America, that documentary film, those Fraternity and Sorority probably is something all around, I just never knew what they are, who they are. The social events such as dressing up, dining out, manner in, the speaker coming in, the students interaction times, its part of the American culture. We have that in APO too. One of those second floor, you seeing this bread opening soup today in the Pinterest. That is the American bread soup. We dine like that in there. Next by you will hear those sorority more renting space long table gathering this formal dress skirts and make-up professional to eat together.

All these groups have a leadership. 

Just when you saying how those Harry Potter Horris, ice cream scene, if are the long table like the Princess Diary, not the round table...those the choirs are the choirs, the sports are the sports.

We never had anything of that, but I illustrate a point to tell you. When I used to remember, people run around behind, when you saying why you having that role in the school. Any position. It can be just that day that week, you have to clean the erase of the black board. We use the chalk, and we rotate our roll call number. You will be partner with the number before you or after you.

You will have one day chore for that class. Its in the cartoon very very often, or not in the comic book. That is the Asia culture that is here.

A lot of the times it is the Captain that will group us and telling us all the agenda and situation including the PR. I didn't do anything, I didn't even apply the position I will tell you there. I left that world for the competition since the end of my elementary school.

I want a peaceful life, really. I know what you do, not that I really really cared about it.

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