
When I set up that which website the National Emergency Housing plan....I was hypothetically saying it, but there is a write-out...small tiny from my parts. I say you all go back to your own club, or that groups now. The President has to go to this SA preisdent office. A comic book Blue (Sailor Moon Author) the first story.

And I enter from Jonathon the Chess Club parts.

I went to contact Silas, you all just never asked me what me and Silas talked about it or he imagined what he heard about things I asked him to do in English. 20 years ago, I wasn't capable to speaking English at all....

Technically Silas and I were the classmate, not the groups, you mean his jobs ! 

These entire thing started in Oct 21th 2021? However later evovle one Eben Pagan, along that time, these leadership in your UB groups supposes to having some paper works, or near by or the secretary checking things or being contact, you all Ub having a situation from A to Z. So these leadership were told, and they carry on their jobs.

Now you all just small tiny people this MD 6+1 to Meet MD 4+2. You were told, as long as that one class, someone reach far away, your American medical Board provide all help. As far as every single person in that UB 105....one person reaching anywhere....that extent territory. Why I think I saying that for? And?

That is called the "Group activities", a lot of people whom used to have the group activities like between the guys and the girls dating games between the class, we have a lot of those things going on not in the sport team, its in the regular class. I told you, we are each year 25 classes girls never change the classmate, untili we sort the categoriest 1234 majors in the 11th grade. 

But I left to EF, no more that, brand new 12th grade.

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